We are pleased to offer a free local delivery service when you spend over £20.00 in-store to Brundall, Blofield, Blofield Heath, Postwick, Strumpshaw and Lingwood. Deliveries to Cantley and Beighton are charged at £5.00. We deliver throughout the week when we have enough items for our delivery driver. This means that we are not always able to be specific when a delivery will arrive.
We are happy to take instructions on where your goods can be left should you be out. For the safety of our delivery driver(s), we will not deliver in icy conditions.
Goods will be delivered to your front door providing there is safe access. If our driver deems it unsafe for a delivery to take place or if he/she is asked to place goods in a position which may cause a safety risk, we will return the goods to our store.
We regret that we are unable to install products on your behalf. This includes the installation of gas cylinders and electrical goods.
We are pleased to deliver to Brundall, Postwick, Lingwood, Strumpshaw, Blofield and Blofield Heath. A charge of £5.00 will be added to your order for deliveries outside these villages.